Tuesday 30 August 2016

Social Media and Body Image: A Letter To My Body

While I was in high school I had an extremely unhealthy relationship with Tumblr; I spent hours upon hours of each day on the website, trawling through various pictures and text. Tumblr helped me feel like I was part of something, a wide and accepting friendship group. However, what I didn't realise at the time was that I was slowly sliding down a social media slope that was made of unhealthy mindsets and unrealistic expectations. I began finding and reblogging a lot of 'thinspiration' blogs. My whole life I had been complimented for having a small frame and began to confuse that with my self worth. On the internet I found girls even skinnier to compare myself to.
It has only recently been brought to my attention that the same thing is happening with Instagram, the same unhealthy habits are appearing although on a new interface. While I am no longer engaging with 'thinspiration' or 'skinny tips' these still exist on Instagram, and I'm hoping the piece of writing I've created will be enough to get you to consider your own habits on social media, as well as your relationship with your body. I also encourage you to write your own letter.

Dear Body,
You have loved me for twenty two years now. You grew from a single atom, piece by intricate piece. You came into the world, and brought to life all of my passions and dreams. You held me up through pain and suffering, fingertips to brush away tears, and a head held high to make me look unbreakable. After everything you have done for me, what have I done to you?

I have manipulated you. I’ve told you that I would never let anyone hurt you, and then I’ve changed my mind, inflicting wounds with my own hands and spitting insults with my own tongue. I’ve called you things I wouldn’t dream of saying to someone else. I’ve humiliated you by dragging your finger across a screen, “look at everything you are not”. Comparison is a poison I slip into your diet daily.

I am an abuser. I pull your long hair, and leave red, crescent shaped marks on your palms and thighs. I have denied you food when you were hungry, and rest when you are tired. I’ve spent years chastising you for spots on your face and dark circles under your eyes, never once mentioning the soft beauty of your eyes or delicate movements of your hands.

You have carried me through twenty two years across seas and through mountains. Your hands have filled pages with beautiful words and your eyes have captured so many beautiful moments; and yet despite your talents and triumphs, I was dissatisfied.

I depend on you and yet act as though you are dispensable. When did I learn that it was normal to hate you? Who told me it was okay to treat you this way? When was the last time I said you were beautiful?

We will have many more years together; we will grow and learn. We will cover ourselves with tattoos, laugh lines and scars. We will grow a baby, our body expanding and nourishing a whole other life, and we will teach that life to love its body, like I will learn to love you. We will eat food, hold people, dance to second hand records and travel to unfamiliar places. You will get sick, and I will raise you back to health. You will be cold, and I will give you my jacket. You will need love, and I will give it to you.

1 comment:

  1. I have never found a blog post that spoke to me so deeply. I relate so much with what you said at the beginning of this; growing up with a small frame but then developing insecurities and running to assumptions based on what we see in social media, which then leads to an overall confusing relationship with food, and an unsure perspective on body image. Also to the part about denying myself food or rest. I realised how cruel we can be to ourselves at times.
    "Comparison is a poison I slip into your diet daily." This one hit home. It is toxic and sometimes I just can't help but run to it each time! I'm getting better and it's a long, tough process. Reading this inspired me a lot, and it's just so so beautiful and moving. Thank you so much.
    Have a nice weekend <3

    Joanne | Life in Blue Skies


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