Monday 9 March 2015

Get To Know Me: Liebster Award

I was previously unfamiliar with this award until the beautiful Josune from Your Beauty Script nominated me. I love the idea of sharing the love among other small or new bloggers! Thanks for bringing this to my attention and nominating me.
One of my favourite snaps from my Europe Trip. Paris, 14th July 2014
  1. Why did you start blogging? I started actively using this blog as I returned from a trip around Europe (I also happened to turn twenty during the trip). I wanted a place where I could share my creative side, and personal developments to look back on later. Your twenties are meant to be the time in your life when you find yourself, so I thought this would be a good place to record the journey. 
  2. Guilty pleasure TV show? This always changes! Now that I'm back at university almost every tv show is a guilty pleasure, as I know well my time should be spent productively. Right now I'm really enjoying Breaking Bad and Catfish.
  3. Best beauty tip? Do whatever works for you and don't pay any attention to people who don't like it. Are you most confident with thin brows? Do it! Do you think you look like a duck with overdrawn lips? Don't do it! You don't need to follow beauty trends, just do you!
  4. Who is your current favourite blogger? The blogger I'm currently obsessed with would have to be Dina from Respect the Brows her makeup is beyond amazing. I've been endlessly scrolling through both her blog and instagram for inspiration.
  5. Worst and best habit? My worst habit is easy to identify; procrastination. I'm even writing this to put off the housework and university study I had planned for today! At least working on the blog is semi-productive right? As for best habit I would have to say the habit to say I love you or I care about you to people I care about every chance I get. I don't hold off on the feelings, life isn't long enough.
  6. What would be your dream job? My dream job would entail getting paid to write; whether it be fiction or academic history. Writing is one of my largest passions and if I were able to do that for a living I would definitely be a happy girl.
  7. Who is your favourite fictional character? Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, always. Despite eventually becoming deranged and possessive, he is just so dark and passionate. His love is undying. 
  8. What country would you move to? If I were to become fluent in the language the answer would hands down be Paris, France. I fell in love with the city while I was there and I feel as though living there would make my inspiration blossom. 
  9. What was your favourite holiday? It's incredibly hard to choose between my trip around Western Europe and my trip to Hong Kong. Both were so different, and yet both so spectacular. 
  10. Favourite song of the moment? As mentioned in one of my latest posts, I've had Alex Turner's album for Submarine on repeat. To choose one from those I would have to say Stuck on the Puzzle. 
  11. Favourite food? Gnocchi! 

 My Questions For You

  1. What is your favourite quote?
  2. You've been given an unlimited holiday spending allowance, only you are limited to just one country. Where do you go?
  3.  Favourite online store?
  4. What's your favourite season? Why?
  5. If you could invite four people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would you invite?
  6. What would you serve at said dinner party?
  7. Where do you find fashion inspiration?
  8. What product/s do you always have a backup of?
  9. Best film you've seen so far this year?
  10. Which of your posts is your favourite or the one you're most proud of?
  11. One piece of advice you've been given that you've never forgotten?
I Nominate:
Nina and Tina:

And The Rules:
  • Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers, link them.
  • Create 11 new questions for your nominees to answer.
  • Notify all nominees via social media or their blogs! 

Thanks again to Josune for nominating me!  x

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the tag- and hopefully I'll get a chance to do this once I've got some uni work out of the way! And it's a pleasure to be a source of inspiration ;)

    Dina x


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